Monday, September 4, 2017

How Much Yarn Do I Need?

Previously published on my blog, August 19, 2012

The first time I bought yarn for an afghan I was crocheting, I brought all of the yarn up to the counter to pay for it. "Making a couple of afghans, huh?" the checkout girl asked.

"No, just one," I responded. I saw her raise her eyebrows and smirk. She knew I was a first-time afghan crocheter. That yarn made one GIANT afghan that covered the largest couch I owned and left enough on the floor to tuck under the couch.

So one of my biggest problems in designing an afghan is buying too much yarn. I now have bins and trunks filled with yarn. After so many years of crocheting, you would think I'd have found a resource to tell me how much yarn I would need for a project.

And now I have. Click this handy little reference tool from planetshoup. Whether you're using 2-ply, 4-ply, worsted, or chunky, planetshoup will tell you how many rows per inch and how many inches of yarn are required per square inch of project. Inches even convert to centimeters.

If you're not good at math, planetshoup explains how to figure out your yarn dilemma. From the sidebar, planetshoup appears to have been neglecting this site since 2007, but the yarn requirements remain, so if you want to take advantage of the information on the page, visit planetshoup before the page disappears.

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